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Cecil Essentials of Medicine E-Book (Cecil Medicine) 10th Edition
Known for its concise, easy-to-read writing style and comprehensive coverage, Cecil Essentials of Medicine has been a favorite of students, residents, and instructors through nine outstanding editions. This revised 10th...
Centrofacial Rejuvenation 1st Edition
Highly Commended by the BMA Medical Book Awards for Surgical Specialties!Physical aging of the face is a multifactorial process that affects a crucial aspect of aesthetics: emotional expression.Centrofacial Rejuvenationexamines the...
Clear Aligner Technique Kindle Edition
Clear aligners are the future of orthodontics, but digital orthodontics evolves so rapidly that it is hard to keep pace. This book approaches clear aligner treatment from a diagnosis and...
Cleveland Clinic: Internal Medicine Review 2023 (22 Videos+PDFs)
Explore theCleveland Clinic: Internal Medicine Review 2023extensive curriculum, which covers: Important ideas for the Internal Medicine Board Certification Exam Current internal medicine advances and their impact on clinical practice Engaging...
Clinical Laboratory Hematology 4th Edition
This is the eBook of the printed book and may not include any media, website access codes, or print supplements that may come packaged with the bound book.For courses in...
Clinical Medicine Complete 5-Book Subject Review 2023: Lecture Notes for USMLE Step 2 CK and COMLEX-USA Level 2 (Kaplan Test Prep)
The Clinical Medicine Complete 5 E-Books Subject Review 2023 is an essential resource recommended for residents, medical students, and practicing physicians. This comprehensive set of e-books, published by Kaplan Test...
Clinical Microbiology Made Ridiculously Simple: Color Edition 9th Edition
Clinical Microbiology Made Ridiculously Simple provides a brief, clear, thorough, and highly enjoyable updated approach to clinical microbiology, brimming with mnemonics, humor, summary charts and illustrations, from Ebola to AIDS...
Clinical Obstetrics and Gynaecology 5th Edition
Clinical Obstetrics and Gynaecologyprovides a thorough overview of the essential topics that healthcare practitioners in the field need to know, with a focus on clinical practice.This highly regarded textbook provides...
Clinical Scenarios in Surgery 2nd Edition
Using a highly readable, case-based format,Clinical Scenarios in Surgery: Decision Making and Operative Technique, Second Edition, presents 135 cases that take readers step by step through the principles of safe...
Combination Facial Reconstruction after Mohs Surgery: A Case Based Atlas 1st Edition
DescriptionThis book offers a concise guide to combined reconstruction operations for facial defects after Mohs surgery. Repairs from different facial subunits are shown to demonstrate the full range of these...
Comprehensive Clinical Nephrology 6th Edition
Written and edited by world leaders in nephrology,Comprehensive Clinical Nephrology, 6th Edition,by Drs. John Feehally, Jurgen Floege, Richard J. Johnson, and Marcello Tonelli, provides current information on clinical procedures and...
Comprehensive Clinical Nephrology 7th Edition
DescriptionWritten for fellows, practicing nephrologists, and internists who treat patients with disorders affecting the renal system, Comprehensive Clinical Nephrology, 7th Edition, offers a practical approach to this complex field, supported...