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Brain Injury Medicine, Third Edition: Principles and Practice 3rd Edition
This revised and greatly expanded Third Edition ofBrain Injury Medicinecontinues its reputation as the key core textbook in the field, bringing together evidence-based medicine and years of collective author clinical...
Bridwell and DeWald's Textbook of Spinal Surgery 4th Edition
Bridwell and DeWald's Textbook of Spinal Surgery is a comprehensive guide to the surgical treatment of spinal disorders. The textbook is currently in its 4th edition and is considered a...
Briggs Drugs in Pregnancy and Lactation: A Reference Guide to Fetal and Neonatal Risk 12th Edition
Essential forob/gyn physicians, primary care physicians, and any health care provider working with pregnant or postpartum women,Drugs in Pregnancy and Lactation: A Reference Guide to Fetal and Neonatal Risk, 12th...
Cambridge Textbook of Neuroscience for Psychiatrists 1st Edition
Cambridge Textbook of Neuroscience for Psychiatrists is a 'one stop shop' for what any psychiatrist needs to know about the brain. Understanding the brain and mind requires a vast array...
Campbell's Operative Orthopaedics, 4-Volume Set 14th Edition
Still the most widely used comprehensive resource in orthopaedic surgery, Campbells Operative Orthopaedics is an essential reference for trainees, a trusted clinical tool for practitioners, and the gold standard for...
Campbells Core Orthopaedic Procedures, 2nd edition (PDF+Videos)
Transform your surgical practice with Campbell's Core Orthopaedic Procedures, 2nd Edition. This indispensable resource is designed specifically for orthopaedic and sports medicine surgeons and trainees, offering practical guidance on the...
Campbell’s Core Orthopaedic Procedures, 2nd Edition (True PDF+Videos)
By Frederick M. Azar MD, James H. Beaty MD, Linda K Jones Focusing solely on the surgical techniques critical in helping achieve optimal patient outcomes, Campbell's Core Orthopaedic Procedures,...
Campbell’s Operative Orthopaedics, 4-Volume Set, 14th Edition (Videos)
Authored by Frederick M. Azar MD, S. Terry Canale MD, and James H. Beaty MD, Campbell’s Operative Orthopaedics remains the foremost resource in orthopaedic surgery, serving as an indispensable...
Campbell’s Operative Orthopaedics: 4-Volume Set, 12th Edition (ORIGINAL PDF From Publisher)
By S. Terry Canale Campbell’s Operative Orthopaedics, by Drs. S. Terry Canale and James H. Beaty, continues to define your specialty, guiding you through when and how to perform every...
Cardiology Board Review 2nd Edition
Multiple choice question-and-answer book for cardiologists at all levels, now updated to include 100 new questions covering additional topicsCardiology Board Review, Second Editionis a multiple-choice question-and-answer study aid that is...
Casarett & Doull's Essentials of Toxicology, 4th Edition
Develop a strong foundation in the concepts and principles of toxicology with this concise and accessible resourceDoodys Core Titles for 2021!For more than 25 years,Casarett & Doulls Toxicology: The Basics...
Casarett & Doull's Toxicology: The Basic Science of Poisons, 8th Edition
The most trusted all-in-one overview of the biomedical and environmental aspects of toxicology--NOW more complete, up-to-date, and in full colorThe world's leading and most authoritative textbook on poisons has more...