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Atlas of Contemporary Aesthetic Breast Surgery- E-Book: A Comprehensive Approach 1st Edition
Concise, practical, and highly illustrated, Atlas of Aesthetic Breast Surgery focuses exclusively on the procedures and techniques of cosmetic breast surgery that lead to optimal aesthetic appeal, symmetry, and proportion....
Artificial Intelligence in Cancer: Diagnostic to Tailored Treatment 1st Edition
Artificial Intelligence in Cancer: Diagnostic to Tailored Treatmentprovides theoretical concepts and practical techniques of AI and its applications in cancer management, building a roadmap on how to use AI in...
Andreoli and Carpenter's Cecil Essentials of Medicine (Cecil Medicine) 9th Edition
Students, residents, and instructors swear byAndreoli and Carpenters Cecil Essentials of Medicinebecause it presents just the right amount of information, just the right way. This updated edition has been revised...
Avery's Diseases of the Newborn 11th Edition
Completely revised and updated, Avery's Diseases of the Newborn, 11th Edition, remains your #1 choice for clinically focused, cutting-edge guidance on the evaluation, diagnosis, and treatment of diseases of the...
Bailey & Love's Short Practice of Surgery - 28th Edition
The 28th edition ofBailey & Loves Short Practice of Surgeryis the leading surgical resource for medical students and surgeons in training. It encompasses the basic principles of careful history taking,...
Beckmann and Ling's Obstetrics and Gynecology 8th Edition
Published in collaboration with the American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology, this highly respected resource provides the foundational knowledge medical students need to complete an Ob/Gyn rotation, pass national standardized...
Botulinum Toxin in Facial Rejuvenation
Botulinum Toxin in Facial Rejuvenation 2nd Edition Ebook VersionBotulinum Toxin in Facial Rejuvenation 2nd Edition, now available as an ebook, is a thoroughly revised guide reflecting the latest advances in...
Botulinum Toxins in Clinical Aesthetic Practice 3E: Two Volume Set
This bestselling guide to the complexities of botulinum toxins has now been extensively revised, updated, and expanded. Now in two volumes, Volume 1 examines clinical adaptations in the toxins in...
Centrofacial Rejuvenation 1st Edition
Highly Commended by the BMA Medical Book Awards for Surgical Specialties!Physical aging of the face is a multifactorial process that affects a crucial aspect of aesthetics: emotional expression.Centrofacial Rejuvenationexamines the...
Clinical Laboratory Hematology 4th Edition
This is the eBook of the printed book and may not include any media, website access codes, or print supplements that may come packaged with the bound book.For courses in...
Clinical Medicine Complete 5-Book Subject Review 2023: Lecture Notes for USMLE Step 2 CK and COMLEX-USA Level 2 (Kaplan Test Prep)
The Clinical Medicine Complete 5 E-Books Subject Review 2023 is an essential resource recommended for residents, medical students, and practicing physicians. This comprehensive set of e-books, published by Kaplan Test...
Aligner Techniques in Orthodontics 1st Edition
An essential guide to the theoretical and practical clinical information on different aligner techniques in orthodonticsAligner Techniques in Orthodonticsis filled with the theoretical and practical clinical information on the popular...